Monday, November 20, 2006

Vegas, Baby... Part 1

I spent this past weekend in Las Vegas... not exactly the beauty capital of the world. Casino's may be fun for gamblers, but for a beauty addict like moi, it can be a dirty, smokey, polluted hub of complete debauchery. Alas, I found a beauty secret so fabulous that I couldn't help but share it with my fellow beauty whores.
Why do stripper's have such soft and silky skin?
Here's the trick... Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion, a cream available at any drug store nation wide. It smells the slightest bit engaging (hence, the reason that stripper's smell so irresistable), and it nourishes the skin like no other (a must after spending ANY time in a Las Vegas casino... trust me, I left with dehydrated hair and skin!)
Cocoa Butter is also said to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite (no wonder why stripper's have such incredible bodies!). So, try it, and feel as sexy as a stripper!


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