Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Body and Soul - Happy Body Care...

This is why we blog, people!!!

Okay, fine. I blog for many reasons: Trends before they are trendy, PR mailings, free samples of fabulous products, and, of course, spreading the word when we find a true gem of a product!

I'm a huge body care fan. I love it all: exfoliators, moisturizers, body butters, balms, washes, foot creams - you name it, I own it! And 9 out of 10 times, I actually use it! That's not to say that I haven't come across my share of "blah" body products - or gimmicky ones that cost a small fortune and nest under my sink because I can't bare to throw said product (and the small fortune) away.

A couple of weeks ago, I received a package - a very special package. How special, you ask? Well, let's just say that I could actually feel the love that went in to preparing this package and it's contents. Every product seemed so perfect, like it was formulated and packaged just for me! From the moment that I opened the box, my apartment instantly smelled like the fruit section at the grocery store - fresh, clean, even edible.

I instantly found myself dreaming of a warm bath and a smooth exfoliation. I became enraptured by the homemade look and feel of the products - tubs of pure, whipped shea butter, sugarcane scrubs, aloe vera surprises, homemade soaps!
I was in heaven, literally!

Allow me to introduce you to your new favorite line of body products: Pure Necessities, all-natural, botanical body-care with that homemade quality that the big, corporate companies can only dream of!

A word (or several...) from the company:
"We love to feed our skin and spirit with luxurious crèmes, butters and lotions. Our recipes are simple and are designed to maximize nature’s ability to do wonders. Our products are made to deliver immediate results. Our scrubs are filled with all natural oils and butters that leave your body and face feeling renewed, moisturized and refreshed."

I could go on for pages about the beauty of these products - but the best way to understand the magic is to try it out for yourself. All of the products are delicious and affordable. You can choose your own scent from a lengthy list that include, Coconut-Lemongrass, Kumquat-Freesia, Lychee-Apricot and Yuzu-Grapefruit, or you can opt for unscented.

I am seriously obsessed with this line and have already recommended it to many of my fellow beauty whores - and now, my friends, I recommend it to you as well!

Here's what I sampled:

Yuzu-Grapefruit Sugarcane and Shea Body Frosting Scrub (8oz. for $16.00) - a relatively gentle scrub that both exfoliates and moisturizes, leaving skin clean and glowing! You can actually feel the oils at work on your body - it's a divine experience!

Sweet-Orange-Vanilla Shea Butter Sorbet (5oz. for $8.00) - an all-purpose shea butter moisturizer that is soft and supple, leaving your skin silky smooth! Unlike your common shea butter balms, this sorbet actually soaks into your skin.

Kumquat-Freesia Aloe Vera Shea Butter Body Whipped Creme (8oz. for $18.00) - possibly one of the best moisturizers I have EVER put on my skin - a mixture of aloe vera and shea butter, both in pockets throughout the tub, leaving skin soft and moisturized. A great alternative to an after-sun moisturizer!

Happy shopping!

P.S. The candles are to die! I kid you not, these are some of the best soy candles that I have ever used... I have 2 burning as I type! These are a definite stock-up item - perfect for gifts or personal splurges! And at $16.00 for a 9oz. gorgeous tumbler (complete with dried flowers in the wax), I'm going to buy in bulk! They come in 6 blissful scents - fig, flower, home, love, spa and winter.


Anonymous said...

i am so excited to try this line of bath products! like you, i love it all!

thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

I just started using some of these products a few weeks ago and I love them. I've never had anything that was as good as these scrubs and mosisturizers. My first products were the body whipped cream, body scrub, and the foot scrub these are the best products I've ever used. I can't wait to try some more of this companys product line.

Anonymous said...

where and how do I buy?..xo jenny

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you fell for them, too! I'm going over next week to stock up on shea butter as dry weather is lurking...I adore the lavender- lemongrass...and their soy candles burn forever, the scents beautifully cover the difficult to hide scent of english bulldog.

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