Monday, May 14, 2007

Q & A - dark circles

QUESTION: I have dark circles under my eyes even when I am fully rested, can you recommend a good eye cream and/or a concealer?

ANSWER: Try Avon's ANEW ALTERNATIVE Intensive Eye Cream (I blogged about this product a couple month's back... CLICK HERE to read the post). I really like this product... it feels refreshing yet isn't greasy. It also promises a significant decrease in dark circles.

I'd also say to fork over some major bucks and invest in the best under-eye cover up on the market... Cle de Peau's Concealer. It comes in three shades: Ivory, Ocher and Beige, and it's designed to reduce redness (for zits) and dark hues. This is some serious cover-up.

Although, dark circles can be genetic, diet can also play a significant role. Research has shown that increasing your iron intake can help... try eating more spinach!

And finally, random, I know, but an at-home remedy that people swear by.... cucumber juice (it lightens the area)! Smash it up, skin and all, and apply under your eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse!

Have a question? Email us at and we will post a response!


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