Rachel Hayes (not to be confused with Rachel Ray) of Dailymakeover.com has just compiled a fabulous list of ways to cut costs while still remaining eco-friendly! Money is tight, but that doesn't mean we should forget about the environment!
- 1. Save water by turning it off while you are waiting for your hair conditioner or mask to sink in. This could also be a great time to do a body scrub because the water won't rinse it immediately off your body. Saves money on the water bill!
- 2. Use sea salts to exfoliate. They're inexpensive and natural. Synthetic beads may not be biodegradable and are not the kind of fish food we want our marine life consuming.
- 3. Use bar hand soap instead of liquid hand soap. Not only does it last longer (which saves money), but it also has a smaller carbon footprint because there is less packaging and plastic.
- 4. Whip up your own beauty treatments instead of buying prepackaged ones. No need to buy expensive treatments - use what's in the house! Olive oil makes a great all around moisturizer – rub it on cuticles while you’re cooking! It’s also great for dry ends of hair.
- 5. Don't be over-served! Making your products last as long as possible will reduce your overall consumption of packaging, materials, and the carbon footprint that comes along with it. Use only a dime-size of shampoo, a quarter size of conditioner, a pea size of face cream, and a shot-glass size of body lotion. And this way, you consolidate what you already have (which you would have chucked in the trash out and spent cash to buy more).
Have an eco-friendly, money saving tip? Let us know!
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